Monday, April 8, 2019

Quit Smoking | Top Suggestions To Help You Stop Smoking Today!

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking - Smoking can negatively impact your life's quality. It changes the way you look, since nicotine causes teeth to turn yellow, and it can also make you reek of smoke. The more substantial drawbacks, however, are those to your health. You can reverse all of smoking's negative effects if you stop. This article provides a number of effective strategies to aid in your efforts to stop smoking.

Click Here to Discover How to Quit Smoking

If you wish to quit smoking cold turkey, get rid of all of the things in your house that remind you of smoking. This means, no more ash trays or cigarette lighters. If you hold onto this stuff, you'll only be reminded of smoking and it might make you want to have a cigarette.

If you want to be successful at quitting smoking, try making a list of all the pros and cons quitting will bring you. Writing something on paper makes it more powerful, and more real to your mind. It can strengthen your motivation to quit, and reduce the difficulty of quitting, by keeping your attention on your desire to quit.

Remember that smoking cessation is really all about replacing one behavior with another. For most people, it is primarily the physical act of smoking that is the major draw. It signifies "me time" and a break from a hectic schedule or a boring job. Choose ahead of time exactly what behavior you will replace those smoking minutes with, and then do it!

To keep your hands and mouth busy while trying to stop smoking, keep crunchy vegetables like carrots or celery on hand. These low-calorie snacks will not only keep your hands busy, but they will steady your blood sugar and keep you from reaching for higher-calorie foods that could lead to weight gain.

If you're a smoker who lights up more in social situations, plan ways to not join your friends for a cigarette when you're out. While dining, stay at the table if your friends go outside for to smoke. If you're at a party, if people are smoking, find a non-smoker to chat with. Finding ways to not be around smokers will make it easier for you to quit.

Find another way to relax. Nicotine is a relaxant, so you need to find a substitute to lessen your stress. A massage or yoga is a really great way of relaxing, or you could try a warm bath, or listening to your favorite music. Whenever possible, try to stay away from anything stressful during the initial couple of weeks when you stop smoking.

It is okay to use a nicotine replacement during the beginning stage of your smoking cessation program. Nicotine is highly addictive, and the withdrawal symptoms can be extremely unpleasant. Nicotine gum or lozenges can prevent you from feeling short-tempered, moody and irritable and can be the difference between success and failure.

Commit to quitting. Individuals who are able to successfully stop smoking commit themselves fully. They don't have a back up plan, they don't keep quitting a secret, and they don't tell themselves that they will fail. If you make this type of commitment you will significantly increase your chances of successfully meeting your goal.

When you are fighting the urge to smoke, go and do some exercise. Not only will your body benefit while you are keeping fit, the physical activity can help to keep the urges at bay. Anything that can be used as a distraction while you are working through the crave is a great tool to use.

Write down why you're quitting ahead of time and keep that list handy. When that craving hits you, refer to your list for motivation. Understanding ahead of time why quitting is important to you will help to keep you focused in those moments of weakness, and it might even help to get you back on track if you should slip up.

Clean your house, as thoroughly as possible, once you stop smoking. Clean your house and wash your furniture, so it doesn't smell like smoke. This will make your home smell clean, and the absence of the smell of the cigarettes will help you avoid being reminded of the habit that has plagued your life anytime you enter your home.

If you quit smoking and slip up, do not beat yourself up or assume that you'll never succeed. Many former smokers quit and relapse several times before it finally sticks for good. Pay close attention to what may have triggered a relapse, learn from the experience, and give it another shot promptly.

It can be easier to stop smoking if you are able to articulate exactly why you want to quit. Try writing down a list of all of the reasons that you should quit smoking. This can include the benefits you will experience, people in your life, or any reasons at all that are important to you.

Always keep in mind your motivation. Put motivational post-it notes in obvious places, and consider wearing something that reminds you of your desire to quit. These reminders will give you the drive you need to fight temptations.

Don't assume that a nicotine withdrawal medication has to have nicotine in it. While it is true that you can find an alternate source of nicotine and reduce your levels of it, you could just try a prescription medication that blocks your need for nicotine. Consult your physician about a medicine that might just kill your cravings.

Try to remember that the mind set is everything. You need to always stay positive as you regard your smoking cessation. Think of all the help and aid you are bringing to your body and how much healthier you are going to be because you have taken this vital step in your life.

It's not easy to stop smoking, but it can really help your social life and health. The advice in this article should make you feel better about your chances of quitting for good. Give at least one of the tips above a try today.

Quit Smoking

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